Aspiring students who want a career that allows them to make people feel confident and beautiful can thrive in the beauty industry. However, deciding between becoming an esthetician or a cosmetologist can be a difficult choice. Earning your cosmetology degree can be a great place to start for both professions.

Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes offers a cosmetology program for students in Denver, CO, Provo, UT, and the metropolitan area of Phoenix, AZ. Here, we touch on the differences between an esthetician and a cosmetologist, as well as the benefits of earning your cosmetology degree.

Esthetician vs. Cosmetologist: What’s the Difference?

An esthetician is a beauty professional who delivers skincare services. Some estheticians may offer additional services, such as massage, makeup application, and waxing. Those pursuing a career as an esthetician typically have a passion for skin health and educating clients on the safest products to use on their skin. To deliver services, estheticians must hold licensing and certification from an established beauty school. At Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes, students can learn about skin care and other services through our esthiology program.

A cosmetologist is a beauty professional who provides many services. They focus less on wellness and more on making clients feel confident about their appearance through the art of hair and makeup. During their time in beauty school, students learn about haircutting, coloring, and hairstyling techniques. However, they can also learn about makeup applications, facials, manicures, pedicures, and techniques to enhance eyebrows and lashes.

Those who complete courses at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes can gain much experience in the field of cosmetology. That is just one of the many advantages of pursuing a cosmetology degree.

The Benefits of Earning Your Cosmetology Degree

Although both programs help students pursue their career goals, earning a cosmetology degree over an esthiology degree can provide students with many benefits following graduation, including:

Learning Skin Care and Facials

If you want to learn more about skin but can’t decide which career to pursue, cosmetology can give you the perfect balance of knowledge and skills. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes offers cosmetology courses that cover more than hair and makeup application. Here, students can also learn about skin care and facial techniques. Our instructors spend much time teaching students about skincare products, the science of skin, and related topics. That gives students a better understanding of how to complete other services, like makeup application.

Earning Experience in Many Services

Because our courses focus on many elements of the beauty industry, students can learn how to complete a variety of popular services. Not only can students gain experience in haircutting and styling, but also:

  • Facials
  • Manicures and pedicures
  • Lash and brow tinting
  • Lash extensions
  • Waxing

After completing their courses, students should understand how to carry out these services comfortably and safely. This gives them enhanced options when it comes to finding employment. It also helps students determine if they want to pursue a more specialized beauty role upon graduation, such as a lash or nail tech.

Accessing Unique Opportunities

Students can access unique growth opportunities during their time at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes. For starters, we offer financial aid for students who qualify. That makes earning your education easier and more affordable. Students can also work with outstanding Aveda products, which are vegan and sustainably sourced.

We also provide study abroad opportunities, as well as the option to attend Fashion Weeks across the globe. That gives students an unmatched educational experience in the world of beauty, allowing them to test their skills in a premier professional setting. It also provides them with experiences, lessons, and connections they can take on their career journeys.

Enroll in Cosmetology Courses at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes

Deciding between esthetician vs. cosmetologist training doesn’t have to be a stressful choice. If you want to earn valuable experience in a variety of beauty services, getting your cosmetology degree can be an ideal solution. This way, you can enhance your skillset and become more knowledgeable. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes has several locations, including in Denver, CO, Provo, UT, and the metropolitan area of Phoenix, AZ. To learn more about enrolling in courses, contact us today.