When starting a small business, it’s important for the entrepreneur to be passionate about the work they do. When it comes to opening a salon, cosmetology school graduates are already known for their enthusiasm and dedication. Aside from graduating from a cosmetology program like the one offered at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes, what else do these agents of inner and outer beauty need to know? Here, we offer a few suggestions on how students can gain knowledge and experience that will benefit their entrepreneurial plans.

Choose a Cosmetology School that Supports Your Dream

Look for a cosmetology school that offers a variety of classes and programs. A future salon owner needs to have familiarity with all aspects of the beauty and wellness industry. That way you will have more information when deciding what to include in your business plan. This will help you discover what skills appeal most to you while at the same time understanding all the elements that you want to incorporate into the vision for your own salon.

At Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes, programs include cosmetology, esthiology, barbering, massage therapy, hair styling, and educator training. In addition, the cosmetology program curriculum assumes that some students want to become salon owners and managers, and includes a discussion of relevant concepts.

Gain Familiarity with Products and Sales

During cosmetology school, it’s important to become familiar with hair, skin, and nail products. As a salon owner, stocking and selling beauty products are elements of financial success. The inspiration for Aveda brand products springs from a love for the Earth, and these premier products are 100% vegan and cruelty-free. We enthusiastically promote the Aveda brand at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes. We use the products for class instruction and during hands-on learning experiences with clients in our school salons and spas.

Students develop the confidence to sell and upsell products that contribute to their clients’ beauty, health, and overall well-being by understanding ingredient choices and learning how various products work with different clients. We even sell Aveda products online to support our cosmetology schools.

Take Advantage of Cosmetology School Extracurriculars

The extras offered by an educational program can make a big difference in how you approach building a business. This is especially true when it comes to getting hands-on time in a student-run salon and spa. This is a key training ground where students can benefit from exposure to many clients and services while relying on strong backup from licensed faculty and instructors. Hands-on experience is also where personal creative flair starts to grow and develop.

In addition to hands-on training, students can gain professional confidence by participating in school-sponsored career fairs and networking opportunities. They may also decide to study abroad to learn how other cultures approach beauty, designs, and style. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes offers an opportunity for competitive students to participate in Fashion Week, which takes place in both New York and London.

Get an Education That Supports and Furthers Your Goals

A good education builds the foundation you’ll need to become a successful salon owner. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes offers cosmetology classes with both full-time and part-time schedules so that you can learn the skills and techniques essential to the job at your own pace. Prospective students can book a tour at any of our campuses in Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. Contact us today to get started on fulfilling your dream of being a small business owner.