Enrolling in an esthetician school can be life-defining. Before taking such an enormous step, you’ll want to select the school that can best support you. Accreditation, flexible scheduling options, experienced instructors, and student career services – all of these and more can make the difference when starting your new career in esthiology. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes offers an esthiology program at our locations in Denver, CO, Provo, UT, and the Metropolitan Area of Phoenix, AZ, and a master esthiology program in Provo. We also offer evening classes that varies by campus. Here, we explore some of the most important questions to ask before enrolling in esthetician school on your way to becoming a skin care professional.
Is The Esthetician School Accredited?
When considering an esthiology school, the first feature to check is accreditation. Accreditation means that the school has met national standards for education. The standards are set and confirmed by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). NACCAS is among the most widely recognized accreditation organizations in the country. Its recognition is a reliable indicator of a school’s quality.
How Long Is the Program?
Esthiology programs vary in length. While a program should be long enough to teach the skills you will need for success, a shorter program will allow you to start working sooner. You should also ask about program flexibility and whether the length is dependent on other factors, such as course scheduling. Our 600-hour esthiology course offers in-depth training to help students thrive in their new careers. The master esthiology program runs 1,200 hours and prepares students to provide more advanced, often medical-grade, treatments to clients.
Does the Program Cover Medical Esthetics?
Medical estheticians use their skills to treat skin conditions, traumas, and aging. They leverage a variety of techniques including laser, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and acids to heal and rejuvenate. Programs that cover medical esthetics will open additional opportunities for graduates, increasing flexibility when seeking job placement. Our master esthiology program in Provo, UT, is ideal for students with this career in mind.
Does the School Help with Job Placement?
Your relationship with the esthetician school should not end at graduation. After earning a diploma, you will need to find a job and begin earning experience in the industry. Student career services can be instrumental during these first steps. Career services offer resume assistance, interview training, and industry connections to help secure placements and kickstart a successful career. At Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes, our graduates take with them the prestige of the Aveda brand, making them attractive prospects for employers, and our student licensure and placement services can help you get started.
How Experienced Are the Instructors?
Experienced instructors are vital. These instructors can impart knowledge gained through years of working in the industry. Students at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes are guided by outstanding instructors with real-world experience to share.
Is Hands-On Training Available?
Esthiology careers are highly hands-on. You can’t learn the skills from books alone; you must also develop the practical skills necessary to perform well in your workplace. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes puts students behind the chair, gaining hands-on experience while making direct contact with clients. You’ll gain real-world skills and insights to help you provide top-quality service to your clients after graduation.
Are Schedules Flexible?
It’s easy to undervalue the advantages of flexibility in education. Flexible scheduling allows you to fit classwork around other obligations, such as work and family commitments. It also provides the opportunity to focus your education on the skills and topics that most interest you. Our esthiology school offers flexible class schedules with morning and evening options. This is ideal for students with jobs or family obligations, especially adult learners, who need to fit education into a busy life.
Is Financial Aid Available?
As with any other post-secondary education, beauty school comes with tuition. Some schools offer financial aid opportunities to help students who might otherwise struggle to cover the cost. Scholarships, grants, and loans all offer invaluable assistance in making your esthiology career dreams a reality. Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes provides financial aid to qualified students.
What Is the Graduation Rate?
For every set of students who complete school and step into successful careers, there is a second set who never graduate at all. Graduation rates can be an indicator of a school’s quality. When students are not given enough support to succeed, they drop out. A high graduation rate suggests excellent academic quality and a strong support system – both essential in esthetician school.
What Career Paths Are Available to Graduates?
The field of esthiology is diverse. It encompasses makeup artistry, hair removal, product manufacturing, beauty blogging, business management, and so much more. Each of these subspecialties demands its own skills and know-how. The best beauty schools offer a holistic education. With broad training, students can step into almost any career path that interests them. They will also be qualified for more positions when searching for a job.
Request Information from Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes
If you are in search of a top-quality beauty school near Denver, CO, Provo, UT, and the Metropolitan Area of Phoenix, AZ, consider enrolling at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes. Our holistic program offers hands-on learning delivered by experienced professionals. Students graduate with a diploma that is recognized across the country. Contact us today to learn more about admissions and enrollment and find out how our program compares to other esthetician schools on your list.