There are certain characteristics that cosmetologists need each day on the job. They should be flexible, resourceful, creative, communicative, and friendly. The cosmetology program at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes gives students the confidence they need to develop these qualities as they complete our industry-setting coursework and hands-on practice from some of the best cosmetology instructors in the business. Find out what other attributes are important for cosmetologists to retain and why Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes is the best place to develop these skills.

What Do Cosmetologists Do?

Cosmetologists are trained in the art and science of beautifying and caring for hair, nails, and skin. Their daily duties might include:

  • Cutting and coloring hair and adding extensions
  • Performing manicures and pedicures
  • Giving facial massages and facials
  • Waxing and removing unwanted facial hair
  • Tinting and styling eyebrows

Because cosmetologists have so many skills and can do so much, there are endless opportunities for variety and interesting challenges. This translates into a wide variety of possible career paths for graduates to follow. Graduates of Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes might choose one of the following careers:

  • Salon owner or manager
  • Color specialist
  • Extension expert
  • Bridal design specialist
  • Cruise ship stylist
  • Makeup artist
  • Film stylist or advertising stylist
  • Vegan styling product inventor

Cosmetologist Characteristics and Qualities

There are some traits that all professionals should possess, such as strong communication and interpersonal skills. However, certain attributes are more important in some fields than in others. For example, cosmetologists should be:

Creative and Open-Minded

Crafting a quality haircut takes skill and expertise. Cosmetologists need to repeatedly pull from a well of creativity to meet their clients’ needs. This includes handling a diverse range of hair colors and textures, facial tones, and skin sensitivities, as well as nail shapes and lengths. An exceptional stylist is also able to consult and learn from coworkers who might have different training backgrounds.

Versatile and Detail-Oriented

Cosmetologists attend to a range of clientele throughout the day, each of whom may need a variety of styling services. Although they may have an area of focus, the best cosmetologists will be able to pivot between waxing, washing, and weaving, in addition to manicures and esthiology. Each styling project needs keen attention to detail so that clients become repeat customers.

If you wish to develop more skills in these areas, consider the esthiology program at Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes.

Confident and Communicative   

A skilled cosmetologist listens and interprets directions from the client while tactfully adding their input according to the client’s lifestyle and beauty goals. The client may request a certain hair color, but a confident cosmetologist can steer a client toward one more suited to his or her hair length and skin tone using their expert knowledge.

Organized and Resourceful

Salons can be hectic, making efficiency crucial. Successful cosmetologists are highly organized, keep careful track of their inventory, understand what their customers prefer in terms of products and cuts, and utilize a well-defined client directory and scheduling system.

Fashionable on Their Feet

Hair, nail, and skin stylists are on their feet a lot. A thriving cosmetologist can keep up with this pace, and do so in a trendy, comfortable fashion. After all, a cosmetologist’s aesthetic is their calling card.

Get World-Class Training from a Cosmetology School

Inspire Greatness Aveda Institutes sets industry standards in brand values at our cosmetology schools located in Avondale, Colorado Springs, and Denver, Colorado; Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona; and Provo, Utah. Our instructors develop innovative trends at New York Fashion Week, and students have the opportunity to apprentice with them at this important annual show. Our graduates gain the characteristics needed to stand out from other beauty and wellness professionals. Contact us today for information on how to enroll and get started on your journey to becoming an expert cosmetologist.