Is your Instagram feed full of beautiful, inspiring hair photos? Would you like to build your business through the use of social media? Posting your work on Instagram and Facebook can be a great way to generate new clientele. To be sure that you have the best representation of your work on social media, follow these easy steps from Aveda!
“How to Take Instagram Ready Photos
1. Find beautiful lighting. If the mantra for business is location, location, location, then that of photography is lighting, lighting, lighting. A window, lamp, streetlight, or doorway can also work as great light sources; just face in the direction of the light, and snap.
2. Keep your lens clean. Even a small smudge or a fingerprint on your lens can really affect the quality of your images. Fortunately, keeping your lens clean is quick and easy. Make sure you clean it before you shoot.
3. Take lots of photos. Well, regardless of what your subject is, you should always take lots and lots of photos. Pick the best one out of the bunch and post it.
4. Filters can be bad. No matter how cool the Instagram filter, there are some moments when nothing beats a nature. Harness the sun’s rays by turning your back on them — so that the sun is behind you.
5. Always obtain permission. Obtaining permission to use is a must. You can’t post it unless you do. Also, be clear on how you’re using it, especially if you’re posting it on Instagram.
6. Watermarks are not free advertising. A picture that’s worth a thousand words can look cheap with ‘@sallyssalon’ plastered on top of the most beautiful part of the image.”
A few other things to keep in mind:
1. Don’t post EVERYTHING. Pick your absolute BEST work.
2. Take before photos and place them side by side with the after to show transformation.
3. Use hashtags of industry websites to get your work featured. But don’t use so many that your caption is a mile long! 🙂